As the newspaper are put in large boxes safely and deposited them in racks. Taking them out and depositing them back according to readers' request is a tedious tusk. Therefore, there may be delays in proving newspapers to readers according to the number of requests and the available staff even under the normal situation, it is difficult to issue a large number of newspapers to readers at a time.
If the readers come with the basic information such as name, date etc. of the newspaper, it is helpful to obtain the required information without delay and avoid the usage of unnecessary newspapers
The national library is opened to fulfill your information needs. It should be protected for the present and future generations.
These newspapers are deposited in boxes in monthly order.
Taking out these newspapers from racks, depositing them back, rearranging the disorganized newspapers is a time consuming tedious task. Therefore, you are kindly requested to forward accurate information of newspapers and obtain only the required newspapers. National Library has compiled a newspaper article index which includes information on newspaper articles published for the last few years. Through this index reader can identify the required information and obtain only the newspapers they need.
Readers are kindly informed to refrain from damaging tearing and taking away the pages. Also it is a convenience for the staff if the readers return the newspapers without disorganizing and after arranging in due order
It is also informed that membership the readers who damage or steal the newspapers or other library material will be canceled and legal action will be taken against them
National Library of Sri Lanka is a research and reference library. Its main objective is to provide a quality and effective service to all the readers.